Compressor Station, Beaver County, Oklahoma
Petroleum hydrocarbon impacts were discovered at the natural gas dehydration and compression facility in Beaver County, Oklahoma.
Project Value: $450K
Petroleum hydrocarbon impacts were discovered at the natural gas dehydration and compression facility in Beaver County, Oklahoma during the course of routine due diligence work. Tasman began working on the project in 2013 and has since implemented additional site characterization and delineation activities including soil sampling, well installation, semi-annual groundwater monitoring and reporting, LNAPL removal, and soil and groundwater remediation pilot testing activities. This larger scale project consists of 34 groundwater monitoring wells with an average depth of 115 feet below ground surface and several remediation wells. Tasman has successfully implemented and operated an automatic LNAPL recovery system at the Site which has removed approximately 1,600 gallons of LNAPL from the subsurface. Additionally, Tasman performed pilot testing activities on-Site which verified implementation of SVE/AS remediation as a viable option for the Site and subsequently installed the SVE/AS system in 2017 as well as continues to operate the system.