Pipeline Release, Hudson, Colorado
The Rangeview A site is an oil and gas midstream location where a pipeline release occurred in April 2018
Project Value: $3.250M
The Rangeview A site is an oil and gas midstream location where a pipeline release occurred in April 2018 when an existing pipeline was struck while installing an adjacent, new pipeline. Tasman was retained to complete a site assessment to determine the extent and magnitude of petroleum impacts in soil and groundwater. Based on the details of the release, it was determined that the project would be cleaned up under Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) regulations. After determining the extent of impacts, Tasman designed and implemented an interim remedial approach to capture light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) that was detected in the release area. In addition, Tasman initiated quarterly groundwater sampling to evaluate groundwater conditions over time. In the later part of 2018, it was determined that based on the extent of impacts and the challenging geology of the site, a more robust remedial approach would be implemented.
In early 2019, Tasman designed a large-scale remediation system that would utilize pump and treat, soil vapor extraction and air sparging to capture LNAPL and address soil and groundwater impacts. Based on the hydrogenous nature of the geology and to increase LNAPL capture, recovery trenches would be installed. The recovery trenches were installed using a slurry trench approach. The trenches were completed to a total depth of 30 feet below ground surface.
Tasman completed construction of the remediation system in October 2019. Eleven dual phase groundwater/LNAPL recovery wells, seven AS wells, and three recovery trenches were installed as part of the remediation system. The system operations were initiated in December 2019. Tasman completed all facets of the system construction from field construction to constructing and installing the remediation buildings and equipment. Tasman continues to operate the remediation system and complete quarterly groundwater sampling and reporting.